
DASH Academy was developed by the Memorial Bone and Joint Research Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission to conduct clinical research, develop new treatment options and improve the outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal disease.

To make a secure, tax-deductible donation to the Memorial Bone and Joint Research Foundation in support of continued research and educational projects like DASH Academy, follow the donate link below.

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About the Memorial Bone and Joint Research Foundation
Memorial Bone and Joint Clinical Research Foundation is a non-profit organization - (501c3) that was founded by Stefan W. Kreuzer, MD, MS on November 19, 2003. As a non-profit organization, exists to provide programs and services that are of public benefit. While they are able to earn profit, such earnings must be retained by the organization for its future provision of programs and services. Through the tax deductible donations from our generous supporters, we continue to improve the treatment options for our patients.